What is your surf level?
The ultimate guide to determine your surf level
How do you define your surf level
The question that sooner or later comes as a surfer, especially as a surfer planning a surf holiday: what surf level do I have? We regularly get questions from guests that visiting our surfcamp what surfing level they have with an extensive description of surfing experiences they have had. Read in the guide below which surf level you have so that you can select the right surf holiday.
Don’t over estimate your surf level
Our experience is that almost all surfers consider themselves intermediate or advanced surfers if they have already surfed a number of times, or they can surf some decent waves on their home surfspot. Although it sounds good, it is often not completely realistic. Intermediate surfers have a surf level where they can basically paddle independently to the line-up and surf green waves on many different surfspots. If you haven’t surfed for a while or if you still have trouble with paddling out and catching waves by yourself, it’s better to join beginner surf lessons. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting lessons that don’t match your level. Moreover, it can even be dangerous if you estimate your level too high, the waves and the sea can be very dangerous! You don’t want the surf instructor to take you to a surf spot that poses dangers you don’t know enough about.
Therefore: definitely start the first day of your surf holiday with a surf level that certainly suits your level and only after this day see if you can go to a higher level!

Surf level 1: You have never surfer before
Beginner surfer
If you’ve never surfed before, estimating your surf level is easy; you start with the basics of surfing with beginner surf lessons. Whether you’re sporty, or haven’t played sports in years, whether you’re young or old, or whether you have skate or snowboard or no board experience at all, you will be able to learn to surf too!
During the beginner surf lessons you will learn about the basics of surfing:
- What are the names of parts of the surfboards,
- what is the correct position on the surfboard,
- how do you stand on your board from a lying position,
- how do you surf a broken wave
- When to start paddling for the waves
Important elements are how you keep your balance and whether you feel comfortable in and around the sea and the waves.
Recommended surfboard: softboard with a lot of volume
Ideal waves for your surflevel: 0,5 till 1 meter white water/broken waves
Beginner surflessons
Learning to surf in Morocco during your first surflessons on beginner waves. You will start on the beach by practicing on dry land.
Surf holiday for beginner surf level
Complete surf holiday: all-in surfholiday with daily surf, meals and accommodation. Start to surf and within a week you will definitely be able to stand up and surf down the line!
Surf level 2: You have surfed a few times
Beginner surfer
You’ve already surfed a few times and maybe done a few surf camps. You know the basics of surfing (after repetition). You can surf a broken wave independently (without the surf instructor having to push you) you can independently perform your pop-up. Important things to learn now is:
- how to select waves,
- what the surf etiquettes are,
- what it’s like to surf at different surf spots and waves,
- you will improve your position on your surfboard
Ideal waves for your surflevel: 0,5 till 1 meter white water and small green waves
Beginner surflessons
Learn the basics of surfing in Morocco, practicing by yourself on broken waves and small open waves
Surf holidays for beginner surf level
Go on surf holiday to Morocco to learn to surf in one or multiple weeks. At this level you need to be in the water and catch many waves to practice as much as possible!

The best surfer out there is the person who has the most fun in the water!

Surf level 3: You paddle out by yourself
Intermediate surfer
As an intermediate surfer, you know the basics of surfing which allows you to take waves independently. You paddle to the line-up behind the broken waves and can catch green waves on your own. However, there is still a lot to learn as an intermediate surfer! Things to learn as intermediate surfer:
- Surfing front side and backside
- Making turns
- A fast take off
- Turtle rol
- Duck diving
Ideal waves for your surflevel: 0,5 till 1 meter small green waves
Intermediate surflessons / coaching
The surflessons for intermediate surfers are given in the line-up. The surf instructor gives one on one coaching on your surf level as intermediate surfer.
Surf holidays for intermediate surf level
Choose between coaching or guiding. If you have an intermediate surf level you want to surf as much as possible on open waves on different surfspots. Our surf guiding holiday is a great way to explore the Moroccan coastline and find your perfect waves! You can also choose a surfholiday with surflessons for intermediate surfers.
Surf level 4: You can catch open waves
Intermediate surfer
You are an intermediate surfer with experience at different surf spots, you can surf waves independently and you know your duck-dive and turtle role. You want to improve your surfing and overcome your fear of powerful open waves. You know the basics of making turns, but want to learn how to make sharper turns.
- Overcoming fear of bigger waves
- Sharper turns
- Making speed
- Learning to basics of bottom turns & top turns
Ideal waves for your surflevel: Different sizes of waves
Intermediate surflessons / coaching
The surflessons for intermediate surfers are there for you to learn how to take this powerful waves in the line-up. How to become confident in the line-up and how to refine your surfing curves. Surf analysis are very helpful in this level.
Surf holidays for intermediate surf level
If you have an intermediate surf level you want to surf as much as possible on open waves on different surfspots. Our surf guiding holiday is a great way to explore the Moroccan coastline and find your perfect waves! You can also choose a surfholiday with surflessons for intermediate surfers or surfguidings if you are not in need for any coaching.

The best wave of your life is still out there

Surf level 4: You make turns by yourself
Advanced surfer
As an advanced surfer you are almost completely independent in the water. Of course there is always room for improvement. You can perform turns independently and can surf different waves and breaks. You can improve your surfing level in these areas:
- Improving how you propel yourself towards the wave’s face
- Improving your top turns
- Cutbacks
- floaters, re-entries (snaps) or roundhouse cutbacks
Ideal waves for your surflevel: Different sizes of waves
Surf guidings for advanced surfers
As advanced surfer you are mainly seeking for a guide that shows you around in the area, to find the best surfspots and swell.
Surf holidays for advanced surfers
Plan your surftrip last minute with help of the current wave forecast of Morocco to find some decent swells in the area.
Surf level 4: You are completely independend in de ocean
Advanced surfer
You are now on a level that most surfers will look up to. You are independent in the water and do not need coaching. If you want to improve your surfing level, video analyzes are useful.
Recommended surfboard: choose the board that fits your style
Ideal waves for your surflevel: Different sizes of waves
Surf guidings for advanced surfers
As advanced surfer you are mainly seeking for a guide that shows you around in the area, to find the best surfspots and swell.
Surf holidays for advanced surfers
Plan your surftrip last minute with help of the current wave forecast of Morocco to find some decent swells in the area.

Extra tips to improve your surflevel on a surf holiday
1. Remember that learning to surf takes time, don’t rush into it but take baby steps in your surf level every surf holiday!
2. Make sure you are fit and in good shape on every surf holiday, so you can focus on techniques rather than working on your fitness.
3. You can already practice online by reading wave forecasts and watching surf video’s on youtube!
Get your surf level up in an intense course
Go from Beginner to advanced surfer in an intense surf course of multiple weeks
Get your surf instructor certificate in 3 months. (Also possible for beginner surfers!)