Surfspots in Morocco

On your surfholiday to Morocco you don’t wanna miss a thing! Follow this guide to surf the best spots you will ever find! Surf on the most famous surfspots but also the unknown and secret surfspots in Morocco! Have fun!

Surfspots Taghazout area

The area of Taghazout and Tamraght are surrounded by many worldclass surfbreaks. A surfmap filled with surfspots within 30 minutes driving. There is for everyone a wave in this area!

You’ve probably heard about  the most famous Moroccan surf spot: Anchor point. Find consistent clean lines all winter season on this spot. It starts working at about 3ft and holds up to 15ft. The spot counts 3 sections and when the waves get huge it offers the possibility to surf all the way down to Taghazout. This spot is working great on all tides.

Surfguide Anchor point – Morocco
Best tides:          Low to mid tide
Type:                   Right-hand Point break
Seabed:              Uneven reef and sand
Swell direction: West-North
Winddirection:  North Easterly
Swell range:      3-18 ft

This spot is not named after the massive waves but the killer whales that are often spotted here.

This point break offers massive right handed waves for advanced surfers. Looking for some sick barrels? Then you must be here!

Surfguide Killerpoint – Morocco
Best tides:          All
Type:                   Right-hand Point break
Seabed:              Uneven reef and sand
Swell direction: West-North
Winddirection:  Easterly
Swell range:      3-15 ft

A beautiful surfspot that is working from halfway winter season. The ​Fresh water springs bubble up from the onshore rock formations. This reefbreak spot is great for advanced surfers with a bigger swell. The left breaks towards the sandy beach are fantastic during a smaller swell for intermediate surfers. The small reef sections combined with sandy undergrounds make the waves very clean.  Beginner surfers can learn to surf with a small swell on the sandy part of this spot.

Mysteries is a spot for the big guys! This spot has a lot of secrets. While after summer it looks like nothing happens here… Halfway winter, when the ocean and waves washing away the sand from the reef, magic is happening and the break starts to work seriously. 

Long, perfect peeling right hander that reels its way down the point for up to 1km and handles some serious swell.

Surfspots morocco

Surfguide Camel point – Morocco
Best tides:          Low tide
Type:                   Peaky beachbreak
Seabed:              sand
Swell direction: N-WNW
Winddirection:  NE-E
Swell range:      3-4 ft

surf moroccoSurflessons Morocco

This spot on the left side of our surfcamp is tucked between the usually dry rivermouth and reefs a cape offering some N wind protection. Intermediate and advanced surfers can find long easy rights from the point.

Surfguide Banana point – Morocco
Best tides:          Mid to High tide
Type:                   Peaky beachbreak
Seabed:              Sand
Swell direction: SW – N
Winddirection:  North Easterly
Swell range:      1-6 ft

The spot right in front of the surfhouse is Devils Rock. The waves are great for beginner and intermediate surfers. The easy right hand waves with a medium swell. Devils Rock closes out on big swells.

Surfguide Devils Rock – Morocco
Best tides:          All
Type:                   Right and left beach break
Seabed:              Sand
Swell direction: N-WNW
Winddirection:  NE-E
Swell range:      1-6 ft

Devils Rock Morocco

Surfguide Crocro – Morocco
Best tides:          Mid to high tide 
Type:                  Right & left
Seabed:              Sand

Right in the front of the surfersvillage is the surfspot Hash Point located. Named after the ‘lazy’ smoking surfers that didn’t had energy to travel all the way to Anchor point but surfed right in front of the village. This spot is not to crowded and with a strong swell the waves are rolling down all the way to the fisherman’s beach in Taghazout. 

Surfguide Hashpoint – Morocco
Best tides:          All tides
Type:                   Right-hand Point break
Seabed:              Sandy with rocks
Swell direction: West-North
Winddirection:  North Easterly
Swell range:      3-6 ft

Walking down the village of Taghazout you can find surfspot Panorama point and Panorama beach. This spot is easier than Anchor point but the current can be really tricky. Panorama beach is a great sheltered beach where you can learn how to surf on the wite wash. 

Surfguide Panorama – Morocco
Best tides:          Low and mid tide
Type:                  Right-handed Point break
Seabed:              Sandy with reef
Swell range:      3-10 ft

If there is a swell rolling towards the coastline of Morocco, definitely make time to visit surfspot Boilers! Huge walls of water, big barrels and speedy walls is what you find at this surfspot. It is 20minutes driving from Tamraght, but definitely worth it!

Surfguide Boilers – Morocco
Best tides:          Mid tide
Type:                   Right-hand Point break
Seabed:              Uneven reef 
Swell direction: SW-N
Winddirection:  North Easterly
Swell range:      3-10 ft

Surfguide Anza – Morocco
Best tides:          High tide
Type:                  Sand-bar
Seabed:              Sandy
Swell direction: North, North-West, West
Winddirection:  South-East, Easterly
Swell range:      3-10 ft

Imsouane is a small fishersvillage 1,5 hour from Tamraght. Imesouane has one of the longest waves of Morocco and of Africa. According to locals there is a wave in La Bay that is rolling trough the bay for almost 2 minutes! Imesouane is also blessed with onther perfect surfspots: La Cathedrale. only 2 minutes away from La Bay!

  1. Cathedral:
    this surfspot works consistently throughout the year. The mix of groundswells and windswells and the ideal swell direction is from the northwest. The beach breaks favor lefts. Almost never too busy.

    La Bay:
    “La Bay” has the longest waves of Morocco. If the swell is enough the waves are rolling down the coast into the beach. The easy right-handers can roll down for more than three kilometers! This makes this spot a true heaven for longboarders. This waves are also great if you would like to learn how to surf or take your first green waves.

surf in Marokko
Surfspot in Morocco - tamri

Surfspot Tamri, Morocco

This beautiful beachbreak surfspot can be found at a 30-minute drive from our surf camp. The wide view, the small Sahara in the background and the wild waves will certainly impress you. This surf spot is almost never crowded because it is further away from the route. Tamri is a perfect place to go if you are looking for a strong swell. Even if it is ‘flat’ almost everywhere, you can find nice waves here. However, if there is a swell in Tamraght and Taghazout, one can avoid this surf spot better, because of the strong current the spot can be dangerous.

You can find here normally a great left hander off the sand bank in front of the cliffs, one of the few left-handers on our coastline!

surfguide morocco

What are the best surfspots in Morocco for beginner surfers? This 5 fantastic surfspots in Morocco are perfect if you would like to surf! 

  1. Crocro

2. Banana Beach

3. Anza

4. Devils Rock

5. Camel point

What surfspots in Morocco do we choose for intermediate surfers? On this surf spots you can take open waves to learn how to take off!

  1. Anza

2. Devils rock

3. La source

4. Imesouane 

5. Tamri

The surfspots in Morocco for advanced surfers. Visit this places in winter times for endless surffun!

  1. Anchor point

2. Killer point

3. Mysteries

4. Anza

5. Boilers

A surfadventure is waiting for you!

What is the best transport to travel between the surfspots?

Morocco is a big country, and the coastline is wide spread from all the way North to the South of Morocco. In Taghazout area many surfspots are more centralized so it is easy for surfers that don’t want to travel too much.

A car is very essential when going on a surfholiday to Morocco. The public transport is not running between the surfspots and many surfspots are in isolated area’s.

Many roads that lead to surf spots are also sandy roads. So make sure you rent a good car or:

I you are staying in the surfcamp. Join the surf lessons or surf guidings whenever possible. They drive you daily to the surf spots that work best for your level.

If you are on a surf trip through Morocco with your own transport, keep the following things in mind:

  1.  Many surf spots are not indicated with signs. So inform yourself well how to drive to the surf spots.
  2.  Consider large distances between different places
  3.  Be aware of the crazy traffic in Morocco. Unfortunately, there are still too many accidents with tourists on the road. Be aware of unexpected situations along the way, such as street dogs suddenly jumping up or other road users making dangerous maneuvers.
Sandboarding small Sahara
surf travel

When are the surfspots working the best?

The different seasons offer different waves at the surf spots in Morocco. Some surf spots only work with a big swell in the wintertime while other surfspots have better surf in the summer.

In short, you can take the following principle into account:

In summer there is a slight swell for beginners to intermediate surfers. In the summer, the sandy beach surfspots do best.

In winter, the Atlantic Ocean produces a strong swell, reef and point breaks also work. In winter, beginner surfers can head to more protected or sandy surfspots such as Devils Rock or Panorama.

Want to learn more about the surfseasons in Morocco? We did write an article about when you should visit Morocco for your next surfholiday!